Nov 11, 2009

"Trust" films at Dexter High School: a report from the scene

The crew working on the feature film "Trust" — directed by David Schwimmer and starring Clive Owen and Catherine Keener — spent their first of four scheduled days shooting at Dexter High School on Tuesday.

The film tells the story of a young girl who becomes a victim of an online predator, and the emotional fallout that results. While the Dexter High film set is closed to press, DHS Principal William "Kit" Moran responded to e-mail questions from about the crew's first day on site.

Q: What time did the film crew arrive to start work this morning?
A: Bright and early at 6:30 a.m.

Q: Approximately how big is the film crew?
A: About 100.

Q: What parts of the school have they been working in today (Tuesday)?
A: The exterior by our flag pole, the courtyard, and an interior classroom.

Q: What kind of shots/scenes have they worked on thus far?
A: The kids being dropped off at school, a scene where the young girl is escorted out by the police (she's not the one in trouble) and a scene in a classroom where she is pulled from class.

Q: Is the production company paying for the use of the school? If yes, how much?
A: $1000/day.

Q: How many students were part of the filming?
A: Probably 50+ extras.

Q: How have students responded to the film crew being in their school today?
A: They are incredibly excited. It has been a ball.

Q: Have you been sitting in on most of the filming? What were your impressions of the process?
A: I've been running a high school and monitoring movies. A crazy day. The crew is fantastic and appreciative that we allowed them the access we did.

Q: How much longer will the film crew be working today (Tuesday)?
A: They work a solid 12 hours. Finish tonight at 7:20 p.m.

Q: Were either Clive Owen or Catherine Keener on set today?
A: No. I don't think they'll be here at all.

Q: Did things generally go smoothly and as planned, or did any problems arise?
A: Zero problems, knock on wood!

Q: Did the crew use the cafeteria to break for lunch, or position themselves elsewhere?
A: They ate lunch in our band room. It all worked.