American Horror Story is a horror television franchise created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Described as an anthology series, each season is conceived as a self-contained miniseries, following a disparate set of characters and settings, and a storyline with its own “beginning, middle and end.
The series is broadcast on the cable television channel FX in the United States. The first seasonpremiered on October 5, 2011, and concluded on December 21, 2011. The second season premiered onOctober 17, 2012 and is scheduled to conclude on January 23, 2013.On November 15, 2012, FX announced it had ordered a third season of the series, scheduled to premiere in the fall of 2013.
The opening title sequence was created by Kyle Cooper and his company Prologue. He also created the title sequence for the AMC series The Walking Dead and the 1995 film Seven. The theme music was composed by sound designer Cesar Davila-Irizarry and musician Charlie Clouser.
American Horror Story has received generally positive reviews from critics. The first season scored 62 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 30 reviews.The second season, American Horror Story: Asylum, has received early generally positive reviews from critics and scored 64 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 21 reviews.The pilot episode gained a 1.6 ratings share among adults aged 18–49 and garnered 3.2 million viewers. The episode was seen by 3.2 million viewers total in 59 countries.
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