Rockhound: "Guess what guys, it's time to embrace the horror! Look, we've got front row tickets to the end of the earth!"
A giant asteriod the size of Texas is just eighteen days away from hitting the Earth, wiping out civilisation and, more importantly, America.
There's only one man for the job - Harry Stamper |(Bruce Willis) -a sort of intergalactic Red Adair who will take a team of rough'n'ready deep core drillers - Ben Affleck, Steve Buscemi, Owen Wilson - into space where they will nuke the killer rock. From the inside. Simple.
Due to the flag-waving nature of the script, director Michael Bay was allowed to film inside NASA's training facilities and the crew was also allowed to shoot in the historic launch pad that went out of service after the Apollo 1 disaster,
Apparently, Affleck asked director Michael Bay, "Wouldn't it be easier for NASA to train astronauts how to drill rather than training drillers to be astronauts?" Bay told Affleck to shut up.