Sgt Lew Slade: "Earthquakes bring out the worst in some people."
The earth moved in more ways than one for Charlton Heston's engineer and his flightly mistress Genevieve Bujold in this classic Oscar-winning Seventies disaster movie.
Heston played Stewart Graff, a Los Angeles construction worker estranged from his boozy wife Ava Gardner and enjoying a fling with Bujold's widow of a co-worker. Elsewhere, a handy-with-his-fists LAPD cop is suspended from duty and a perverted grocer lusts after Victoria Principal.
What do they all have in common? Well, they're in the wrong place (LA) at the wrong time (by the look of the penny collars sometime in the early 70s) when a massive earthquake strikes the city.
The destruction sequences - ten minutes of uninterrupted mayhem - still impress and Walter Matthau's cameo soak deserves an award for the most tasteless shirt ever to grace a Hollywood movie.