Deacon: "Well, I'll be damned. It's the gentleman guppy."
In retrospect, Kevin Costner's much-maligned $200m water-borne disaster movie - basically Mad Max afloat - has a lot more going for it than was originally acknowledged.
With the Earth inundated following the melting of the polar ice caps, Costner is The Mariner, a salty old sea dog with webbed feet who rides the waves in his tri-maran, drinking his own urine and avoiding the attentions of the evil Smokers led by Dennis Hopper.
Even now, the production design - vast sailing machines and medieval-looking weapons - looks pretty good, even if you take into account it was the most expensive move - prior to Titanic - ever made. Hardly suprising, when you consider the 1,000-ton atoll set - which used all the available steel in Hawaii (more had to be flown in from California) - was one quarter of a mile round.