If you have grown too old to remember your
childhood, let me tickle your dormant memories a little bit to remind
you of those oh-so-fantabulous endings to an academic session. Those
were the occasions, when the small-sized us used to be so relieved after
having undergone the stick attacks of our teachers on non-compliance of
their strict instructions to complete the homework, and also, those
most-petrifying annual exams.

After bearing so much over a semester, quiet
naturally we expected it to end fantastically. And if the classroom
lessons weathered children of the Degrassi Community School are
expecting the same, they are not laying an unreasonable demand. After
all; they do deserve to enjoy a few sighs of relief in the Degrassi
season 11 episode 45 titled, ‘In The Cold, Cold Night’
Part 2.
Unthankfully, absolutely contrary to their
expectations, the semester ending will become prickly for many. Who will
sow the seeds of disharmony is yet to be revealed.
Moreover, I have just come to know that a
dejected Fiona will give a strong thought to vacating Degrassi. To add
to the dramatic environment, Clare will be chased by a time that had
elapsed long back.