Oh, my, this week’s episode of Two and a Half Men was full of carnal interludes, drugs and loyal subjects.

Walden and Zoey seemed to hit that dreaded spot in any relationship where everything suddenly becomes boring, but that all became water under the bridge after awhile… provided they visit many more zoos in the future.
I can understand Zoey’s reluctance in saying certain words. After all, she’s British. Those Brits are so formal, looking for better words all the time, trying to replace vulgar ones with others such as frisky and randy. Seriously, Berta hit the proverbial nail on the head by calling her “Mary Poppins.”
She had a little bit of trust issues, but seeing as Walden and her child hit off, it’s safe to say, those worries are long gone now. I do hope their relationship continues to grow stronger.
Indeed, we were treated to a little bit of character development from Zoey in “Duchess of Dull- In-Sack,” as viewers were introduced to her ex- husband, who happens to be 177th in line for the throne and her daughter, Ava. The latter is really sweet, and she gave Walden his new name, “Sir Schmidt,” Her ex, though? A complete douche bag.
This week was a little low on jokes, but Berta, Jake and Eldridge had the best lines of the night. From Jake suggesting that he and Eldridge could be ringers for each other… to finding Berta’s brownies… and Berta’s borderline racist jokes about Poland and shoes… I could not stop laughing. I’m happy to see other characters are getting more screen time, with Alan relegated a bit here, though still produce some chuckles.
All in all, a good episode. I look forward to the return of Judy Greer, while Aston Kutcher looks kind of young with that haircut. I also hope Jake and Eldridge find the real Zoey. Finally: best of luck to Zoey’s ex-husband – that succession line is really long.