Airing Date: February 22, 2012
Criminal Minds is a longtime running police procedural television series on CBS which follows a crack team of FBI profilers who analyze the world’s most criminal minds and anticipate their next moves before they can strike back and cause further damage to the society. You can watch Criminal Minds Season 7 Episodes online every Wednesday nights at 9PM for you to see how they investigate the evidence from the crime scenes and how they try to compose a profile and try to prevent the next fatal strike that the criminals could possibly make. See how they do it.
Each week, the FBI profilers led by the top brain Jason Gideon and with the help of Dr. Spencer Reid, they see to it that they leave no case unaccomplished. If these criminals are clever enough to perform hideous crimes, these FBI profilers are also intelligent enough to track their attacks and stop them from doing a crime the second time around.
In the previous episode of the series, the Behavioral Analysis Unit or the BAU investigate a crime which involved a series of bodies found hidden in the lifeguard towers along the beaches of the coast of the Southern California coastline. This discovery of the dead bodies was quite disturbing but the BAU team still managed to investigate the case and solve it.
Next week, we will be seeing another thrilling episode of the show. Be prepared to watch Criminal Minds Season 7 Episode 15 online when it airs on February 22, 2012. This episode has the title “a Thin Line” and it will feature the BAU team investigating on another case involving g a series of brutal home invasions and murders which happened in the Inland Empire of Southern California. The case appeared to be related to gangs and as the investigation goes on, the team will uncover a more nefarious motive for the crimes.