The Fox musical-comedy Glee has been named TV Show of the Year by gay entertainment .
In announcing the winner, Greg Hernandez said it was a tight race between Glee and the ABC Sunday night comedy Modern Family.
“Still, Glee continued to move, entertain and inspire me in season 2 as much as it did in its first year – if not more,” just touched my LGBT heart more often than did Modern Family and far more than any other show on television, although I'm encouraged by the Teddy storyline on 90210 and continue to appreciate Scotty and Kevin on Brothers & Sisters.”
Hernandez praised the show for turning Chris Colfer's gay character into a bullied teen.
“With the bullying epidemic in our country making the lives of gay kids a living hell and leading some to kill themselves, I can't think of a more important storyline on television this year,” he said.
“It's for that and so many other reasons why Glee wins the Greggy for TV Show of the Year!”