Glee Season 1 Episode 19 – Dream On
Original Air date: May 18, 2010 at 9:00 PM on FOX, E4
Glee “Dream On” Season 1 Episode 19 is the nineteenth episode of the American television series in FOX Network. The first preview for the next episode has hit the net, and we know we have a special episode coming up next Tuesday. Glee 1.19 will guest star Neil Patrick Harris on screen, and behind the scenes the episode has someone special behind the camera — Joss Whedon. You probably best know him as the creator of Dollhouse, Buffy and Firefly. He is going to work on his magic on Glee Episode 19 titled Dream On.
Synopsis: Will’s former high school opponent Bryan Ryan come backs to McKinley to bring down the glee club. On the other hand Rachel struggles with an enduring personal problem, and Tina as well as Artie has to deal with the problems in their individual lives, facing trials and troubles in their relationship.
Watch Glee Season 1 Episode 19 - Dream On
(Full Episode Coming Soon)