On June 4, 2010 a science fiction film, Splice, starring Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, Delphine Chanéac, is released in the United States theatres.
Two young scientists (Brody and Polley) achieve fame by splicing human DNA with the DNA of different animals to create a new creature. In the process they ignore their society’s ethical and legal boundaries. The scientists name their creature “Dren,” which is initially a deformed infant. However, it rapidly develops into a deadly, winged human-chimera.
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Splice is directed by Vincenzo Natali, written by Vincenzo Natali, Doug Taylor, Antoinette Terry Bryant, and produced by Steve Hoban. The movie is filmed by Dark Castle Entertainment, CopperHeart Entertainment, Gaumont and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.
You can watch the official trailer below.