On June 11, 2010 an action film, The A-Team, starring Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Quinton Jackson, Sharlto Copley, Jessica Biel, Patrick Wilson, Brian Bloom, is released in the US theatres.
The plot will involve a shift from Vietnam to the Middle East, and both Jules Daly and Stephen J. Cannell, the creators of the original series, are involved in the project. According to writer Michael Brandt, the adaptation will be more gritty in the vein of Batman Begins, Die Hard, The Bourne Identity, and Casino Royale.
Like the original series, the story follows the adventures of four former members of the United States military-turned-mercenaries, three of whom were arrested for a crime they did not commit and are now branded war criminals. After managing to escape from military prison, the three join forces with Captain H.M. Murdock, their reconnaissance pilot, as soldiers of fortune.
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The A-Team is directed by Joe Carnahan, written by Joe Carnahan, Brian Bloom, Skip Woods, Michael Brandt, Derek Haas, and produced by Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Jules Daly, and Stephen J. Cannell. The movie is filmed by Scott Free and distributed by Universal Pictures.