Lee Dewyze and Siobhan Magnus, however, are the best of the bunch
As we know there was much drama was dripping after last week’s shocking save of Michael Lynche on the world’s greatest karaoke competition, AMERICAN IDOL.
The interesting thing is that Lynche up until last week seemed like a front runner to at least make it into the Top-5 but after last week … anything goes. So after the judges save him and rightly so, we will be losing two contestants this week.
This week is also even more interesting because last year’s runner-up Adam Lambert was this week's mentor, so I guess AI is trying to make it back in the headlines again. Seriously, you have a mentor with what a year of experience under his belt? Yeah, he was popular and yeah he has an album out, but that’s it. After having such big names so far it seems weird to have him here. Unless … it’s for ratings which may indeed be the reason.
A third thing that’s interesting is that it is Elvis week … and that means either it will rock or it will crash and burn.
So let’s rock the jailhouse, treat me like a houndog, check into the Heartbreak Hotel, give us some Money Honey, Love Me Tender while looking at a Blue Moon and getting All Shook Up and get this “Thank You, Thank You very Much” party started.
Crystal Bowersox
Song: “Save”
What Peter Says: Not sure if it even matters what Crystal sings or how she does it at this point because Snaggletooth is the judges’ favorite for sure. This was definitely one of her better efforts, but again, why not just give her the crown and it will save me a lot of time and energy in writing this review. I think she’s fine, she’s not a bad singer and finally she did something different, but really she is a one trick pony, she sings the same type of song over and over again. If the judges didn’t like her they would be all over her for not being different enough.
What the Judges Said: Randy thought it was the second coming of Bonnie Rait. Ellen doesn’t give any critique. Kara thought she chose a good song and had a good arrangement. Simon creams all over her as well.
Crystal’s Grade: B
Ellen’s Grade: D – Nothing here.
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Download AMERICAN IDOL Episopdes

Andrew Garcia
Song: “Hound Dog”
What Peter Says: Unlike Crystal, the judges absolutely hate Andrew. They can’t wait to get rid of him and rub it in his face every week. Andrew is quirky and different and that’s part of the reason I like him. While the jazz version of “Hound Dog” was different, not sure if it will save him from going because of the judges continual lambasting of the dude. I also didn’t like it enough that it would have me vote for him (if I voted).
What the Judges Said: Randy thought it was bad karaoke, he didn’t get it at all. Ellen said she wishes that he put more swagger in on it and he pulled it off. Kara said that the mic was his crutch and didn’t own the performance, but she wanted to feel more from the performance. Simon thought it was lazy and predictable and compared it to a bad musical.
Andrew’s Grade: C
Ellen’s Grade: B – She went against what Randy said and the rest said and defended herself.

Tim Urban
Song: “Can’t Help Falling in Love With You”
What Peter Says: Tim Urban is like Sanjaya minus the totally hot, funbag aplenty sister. He just won’t go away. I’m sick of his raggedy hair and puppy dog eyes. I know you tweens totally love him and will cream all over yourselves (yes, that’s the second time I’ve used that phrase) for this song, but I was bored to tears and nearly had a nap.
What the Judges Said: Randy liked it. Ellen said that she really enjoyed it but after taking loads of tequila shots … so not sure if she liked it or not. Kara thought it was her favorite Tim performance ever and called him current. Simon said Tim has gone from zero to hero in two weeks. Not sure why they are all over Tim maybe they think they can keep him in and get ratings.
Tim’s Grade: C
Ellen’s Grade: B – She was funny and sort of gave him a dig while not really.

Lee Dewyze
Song: “Little Less Conversation”
What Peter Says: I think Lee once again cemented himself as the dude to beat in the competition. He will be hard to beat regardless of who you are and who will be up against him whether it is a chick or otherwise. This was simply a hot performance.
What the Judges Said: Randy said he was in the zone and a great performance. Ellen said that he made it current and sound like a brand new song. She also liked his confidence. Kara said the vocal was fire but then wants him to be playful. Honestly, sometimes I wonder what the hell she’s thinking or smoking or both. Simon said the song was on the money.
Lee’s Grade: B+
Ellen’s Grade: B – Another solid critique and talking about him and the song.

Aaron Kelly
Song: “Blue Suede Shoes”
What Peter Says: Aaron can’t feel good about being in the bottom three last week and now he’s singing a song he thinks is wrong for him? Bad idea, kid. And I agree, this totally doesn’t play to his strengths. Talk about bad karaoke. If they hated Andrew when he did something different with the song and made it jazzy. They gotta hate this because it is a carbon copy (a bad one) of the original. Sorry, dude, but you may be back in the bottom this week.
What the Judges Said: Randy didn’t like it at first, but then thought the blues parts was OK. Ellen thought it was a big song to take on but didn’t think he got all the way there. Kara likes that he was out of his comfort zone and came across younger. It felt more current and she liked that. Simon thought it did the opposite and it was old fashioned. He then thought it was someone at a high school doing a concert at the end. He also said it was very karaoke.
Aaron’s Grade: D
Ellen’s Grade: C+ - Well, I think she wanted to say something bad, but didn’t because she likes Aaron. But at least gave him the “it wasn’t all the way there” at the end.

Siobhan Magnus
Song: “Suspicious Minds”
What Peter Says: Siobhan once again going with the huge hair and nearly matching Lambert’s own hair style. This was yet another side of the quirky girl that I’ve picked to win the whole thing. She was slow at first and heated it up at the end and blew the lid off the place. This is the singer that we all got to know in the first few weeks of the competition. She was rocking it tonight.
What the Judges Said: Randy took some risks and kinda like it and heard the big vocals and said that girl can sing. At least Randy likes her. Ellen thought she liked the first half against the second half of the song and she liked it a lot. Kara is confused because she is hearing two voices from her. Well maybe that’s because you keep telling her (along with Simon) that she shouldn’t be freaking screaming the whole time. What the hell? Simon said she was put in a time machine and she went back in time 20 years. He hated the first part of the song and then she didn’t hit the notes. God damn. First you want her to tone down what she’s doing in terms of belting it out. Then you tell her she isn’t doing it enough? Hypocrisy!
Siobhan’s Grade: B+ - F*** the judges, I liked it.
Ellen’s Grade: B- - She was honest in saying she liked the second half better and liked it overall.
I gotta mention this in-between performances. Is that the first time that Seacrest has ever mentioned “The Dunk” Brian Dunkleman after Season One? I miss The Dunk.

Michael Lynche
Song: “In the Ghetto”
What Peter Says: I feel bad for Michael because like many people it seemed like he was blindsided by the American public last week. He was never in the bottom then nearly goes home? Ouch. Not sure why either when you have far inferior competitors left. But that doesn’t mean they vote purely on talent regardless of what the judges always call a singing competition. My main problem with this song, I can’t get past Cartman on SOUTH PARK singing it. I liked it, but it was a bit nap-inducing, which may be my new favorite phrase.
What the Judges Said: Judges are running out of time so they are doing quick hits. Randy thought it was sleepy, but the vocals are hot. Ellen says she is glad they saved him. Kara said he sang it well. Simon thought it was terrific choice and million times better than last week.
Michael’s Grade: B
Ellen’s Grade: B – Short and sweet since she was trying to be short and sweet due to time constraints.

Katie Stevens
Song: “Baby, What You Want Me To Do?
What Peter Says: Not sure why the One-Tone Pony is still in the competition. She never changes her vocal style – ever. Loud or soft her voice just doesn’t seem to move outside of that one tone. And that’s the most annoying thing about Katie because she does have the look and her voice seems to be strong, but damn I wish she could actually change it up once a while. Meh, it was a Katie Stevens song.
What the Judges Said: Randy thought it was nice vocals and he was entertained. Ellen said it was a very horny song, a lot of horns in it. Kara said she showed us judges. Simon thought it was loud and annoying.
Katie’s Grade: C
Ellen’s Grade: B+ - Probably one of her funniest lines of the season.

Casey James
Song: “Laudy Miss Claudy”
What Peter Says: Casey has been hitting all the right strides the last few weeks with his just rocking it out and damning the consequences – probably a good strategy given the competition has been wrought with ballads. Tonight was no different as he made the blues song more today’s rock. However, I will say this … I think much like Crystal, he’s beginning to be more of a one trick pony where that’s all he can do. Which may come back to haunt him in the long run.
What the Judges Said: Randy didn’t see anything different but a solid performances. Ellen loved his voice but wasn’t as exciting as she would have liked. Kara thought that it fell short for him. Simon called it a forgettable song but the vocal was good.
Casey’s Grade: C+
Ellen’s Grade: C+ - She was short on time and gave him a pretty good short critique.
So with two people going home this week? Who will be the ones going home? Here are my predictions: Andrew Garcia and Aaron Kelly. I think Tim Urban has overtaken Aaron’s lead in the tween department. I think Katie did enough to save herself and Michael should not be going home, if he is, it is a mistake.
The biggest question however might be … was Seacrest high this week? He was all over the place.