Time for your daily dose of New Moon horniness: We told you yesterday that Nikki Reed and Robert Pattinson are most definitely not knocking relationship boots behind the scenes.
And we've pointed out some weird goings-on with R and our gal Kristen (happy belated birthday, babe).
So that left many of us wondering where Kristen's boyfriend, Michael Arangano, is during all of this very breathless Twilight back-and-forth. A friend to the "couple" spills:
"Michael is really insecure when it comes to Rob," 'fesses a pal close to the romance pentagon up north. We're told Arangano hardly laughs off Robsten rumors.
"Rob and Kristen would have to be very sneaky if they were dating. Everywhere [Kristen] goes, [Michael] now wants to go too. He's extremely jealous. And let's just say he's been trying to be up in Vancouver a lot lately," adds our Industry insider.
So where does that leave Rob then, if there's a third wheel around?
"By himself or with his publicist or manager, usually," we're told.
Disclaimer here folks: When we said yesterday that Robert "f--ks who he wants," we did not mean it necessarily in a man-whoring way. Doug Reinhardt he most decidedly is not. We love our Pattz! We simply meant that R will not go screw or date girls just because he's told to do so...à la other Twilight-ites.
We hear that Rob wanted to disprove that rumor so badly that he purposely tried to be photographed out with Kristen last week. Easier said than done. "He doesn't want [Kristen] or anyone to think he's dating Nikki."
God this stuff is so juicy! We'd way rather watch this romance crap on the big screen. Wouldn't you? Or should we wait to see New Moon before saying so? Nah...
—Additional reporting by Taryn Ryder