The mystery surrounding Barney’s future bride
on “How I Met
Your Mother” has been unveiled, but fans have not seen how
he ends up deciding that
Robin is the one for him. Confirming that the wedding bells will indeed ring for the couple, executive producer Craig Thomas teases that their path to the chapel is not a smooth one.
Robin is the one for him. Confirming that the wedding bells will indeed ring for the couple, executive producer Craig Thomas teases that their path to the chapel is not a smooth one.

“There’s going to be twists and turns built
into that day,” he told TVLine. For example, viewers won’t see Barney
and Robin together immediately after this. “They’re too tangled up in
other things,” Thomas reasoned. “We’ll show you how that [new]
relationship ends up leading her back to Barney,” he added, promising
that Robin’s new love interest will be introduced “right away.”
While gushing that the wedding day “is going to be full of enough other surprises,” he said the show won’t end with Ted meeting the titular mother at the nuptials. “There will be more story after [the wedding day],” he added before mentioning what would be addressed next, “What are Barney and Robin like married? What happens with that marriage?”
Of how Ted meets the mother after he and Victoria ran off together, Thomas said Victoria helps Ted to close “the last couple doors in his mind that he has to close to really be ready to meet the mother.” He further pointed out, “One of [the doors] was Robin.”
While gushing that the wedding day “is going to be full of enough other surprises,” he said the show won’t end with Ted meeting the titular mother at the nuptials. “There will be more story after [the wedding day],” he added before mentioning what would be addressed next, “What are Barney and Robin like married? What happens with that marriage?”
Of how Ted meets the mother after he and Victoria ran off together, Thomas said Victoria helps Ted to close “the last couple doors in his mind that he has to close to really be ready to meet the mother.” He further pointed out, “One of [the doors] was Robin.”