The animated 3D film from Walt Disney, Tangled takes the top spot of the weekend box office (Dec. 3-5) from the first part of the final film franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. The said movie managed to take an average of almost $6,000/theaters on 3,603 movie houses in the US to bag another $21.5 million. Meanwhile, new comer Burlesque by Cher and Christina Aguillera takes only $6.1 million on its opening weekend taking only the 3rd spot of the chart.
Here’s the rest of the movie that made up the top 10 weekend box office chart for December 3 to 5 weekend opening:
1. Tangled – $21,500,000
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 – $16,735,000
3. Burlesque – $6,100,000
4. Unstoppable – $6,100,000
5. Love & Other Drugs – $5,700,000
6. Megamind – $5,030,000
7. Due Date – $4,215,000
8. Faster – $3,828,900
9. The Warrior’s Way – $3,051,000
10. The Next Three Days – $2,650,000
This week, there will new sets of movies to expect to be included on the chart and will surely take over the number one spot. Some of the films that is expected to earn great in the box office are The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader which is the 3rd of the Narnia franchise and Angelina Jolie-Johnny Depps 2010 remake of The Tourist which both are scheduled to be released in US theaters on December 10, 2010.