"Getting in touch with our primal instincts is the theme of 'Year One,'and one could say that is what this Sunday's big game is all about," Dwight Caines, president, worldwide digital marketing, said in the press release. "Viewers everywhere will be directed to Crackle's Year One microsite to get a first look at the movie in streaming HD quality. There, they will be able to find out more about the sweepstakes. Crackle offers us a great opportunity to reach the viewers most excited for 'Year One.'"
"Year One" tells the story of a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers. Banished from their primitive village, they go on an epic journey through the ancient world. Starring Jack Black and Michael Cera, it is also supported by Olivia Wilde, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Oliver Platt, Hank Azaria and many else. The comedy movie will come out in U.S. theaters on June 19.
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