Look, 90210, I've been critical of this boring season for awhile now, but I was willing to give you a pass on the Teddy storyline.
I found it disappointing and simply lame that such a major development was spoiled by producers over the summer, but, hey, at least I've been giving the series credit for slow-playing this character's self-realization and dealing with such a pressing topic in a respectful fashion.
Then, you air an episode such as "They're Playing Her Song" and give viewers such a glaring plot hole that I can't help but wonder what the writers are doing over there. The plot hole in question: If Teddy forgot his wallet, how did he get into the gay bar?!? I know Trevor Donovan is like 59 in real life, but he is portraying a 17-year old, right?
This will sound like nit-picking, I know. And I'm aware it's not a major detail in the overall story - but it is symbolic of just how lazy 90210 can often be. There are many ways in which the show could have had Teddy require Ian's help... so why choose something that makes so little sense? It's insulting to viewers.
Elsewhere, I can give a positive review to everything involving Annie and Charlie this week. I was ready to rail against the latter character for being so underdeveloped and the series forgetting all about his and Liam's back-scar storyline.
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But it brought it back in a realistic way this week, as it makes perfect sense that Annie would feel pressure to "lock in" a college man, and it was also a nice moment for the two to share once she came clean and then he did the same. Important message, readers: sometimes, there are ways to get close to someone with your clothes on!
As for Navid? Weak! If the show wanted to really take a big step and give us some gravity, it would have had Mr. Shirazi kill himself. This truly would have been an unexpected jolt, something that would affect Navid to his core.
Instead, it half-assed the storyline and gave us the unbelievable (in a bad sense) notion that Navid's father would up and leave the country, just a day or two after a guidance counselor apparently spoke to authorities. Talk about a sudden reaction to the baby steps of an investigation.
Finally, we get to Debbie and Ryan. I'm all for this pairing. Why not, right? The two characters do have a lot in common these days... if you entirely forget the events from last week, that is. After all, wasn't Ryan the one totally in control of Jack and seemingly knowledgeable about babies?
Fast forward an episode and suddenly he can't tell if his son needs his diaper changed?!? I understand that Jen leaving would result in a bit of panic, but the show took it to an extreme and is now painting this previously reliable father into a total buffoon. Just poor pacing and inconsistent character development.
What did everyone else think? Are you more on board with Silver and Navid now, in light of the way Adrianna is acting? Did Do you wanna see Naomi and Ivy buddy up? Has Liam or Dixon does anything noteworthy all season long? Sound off now!