Khalood, was pissed when her son Jojo turned his back to go with 22-year-old kindergarten teacher Mindy who was particularly without a final two showdown because Khalood thought that none of the girls were good enough for her son. Mindy had the gut to tell Jojo that she would not let herself date a boy who can't stand up for himself and that her parents raised her to be "respectful, classy, and well-rounded."
Jojo took her hand and said after his decision, "This is the first time that I ever stood up to my mom and just put my foot down and been successful with it." After the show, NY Daily News reported that Khalood was offered a counseling but she refused politely.
Another boy going against his mama's will is Michael. He selected 26-year-old medical student Amanda over his mother's choice Erica who admitted that she is Penthouse's Pet of the Year. Despite Erica's confession that she has posed for the adult magazine, mom Lorraine said, "You know I still feel the same exact way about you. I don't feel any different about you." But Michael felt otherwise, and went on with Amanda.
The only boy who took a nod for his mother's choice is Rob. Esther was particularly unhappy upon finding out that her son took interest in an African-American girl, Camilla, and suggested him to go with Lauren. After a final discussion, Rob said on the elimination, "Camilla, all the time we spent together has been so magical. You're so different than anyone I've ever spent time with. ...But, I'm asking Lauren to come away with me tonight." The fact was, Rob left for his three-day vacation without Lauren but alone.
No date for the new season for the show yet.
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